Andrew Yang & Universal Income.

The case for Universal Basic Income.

$1,000 dollars per month to every adult as a right of citizenship, unconditional, no strings attached. Even without a tax on automation, meaning that we were just printing the money Helicopter Ben style there are many reasons why we in the United States should implement a UBI.


First of all you must understand that our government, The Federal Reserve and The Treasury, are already printing trillions of dollars per year. This new money primarily goes to banks. Whenever a banks lends money whether it’s a home loan, car loan, credit card, student loan, whatever, that creates new money in the system. Whoever got the money from the loan, for example, the dealership who sold you a car now has a credit in their bank account and if they decide (for whatever reason) to take out $10k worth of cash from the bank, the bank has to provide that money in cash. So on a daily basis, banks receive new money every single day and they essentially have the power to create new money. However, the system is rigid to turn those people who need money into debt slaves. Why for example can banks create new money but the common man has to borrow it and pay interest on it?

The paradigm shift in Biotech that’s coming in the next 10 years.

The human body just like software and computer hardware is at it’s core a integration of a lot of complex systems. Only that unlike computers where the software is non-physical (exists as electrons) the software of the human body, DNA is physical. My main point is that like computers we are now at the point where we understand and have the technology necessary to alter the system in ways that will benefit us.

At this paradigm we are just now somewhat capable of fixing or treating problems. For example, if you have pain we have pain killers, if you have an infection we have antibiotics or antivirals, if you’re too short we can give you HGH, if you get cancer we can give you chemo, if you’re diabetic we can give you insulin. At this level of thought, the FDA the main regulatory body of drugs and biologicals in the US is strictly only approving products that help people cure or treat a problem and will bring them back to “normal health”. In the very near future though, we’re going to realize that we can go beyond just fixing problems to actually enhancing people who are otherwise normal.

We’re already beginning to see some of that with the drug provigil. Where healthy people are using the drug not to fix any illness but purely as a way to enhance the cognitive and mental abilities. I envision that eventually we are going to have the Apple of biotech, the Google of Biotech, the Amazon, Facebook, and NetFlix of Biotech. Were companies are going to be creating consumer biotech products.

On Self-Driving Trucks

You have to remember that these machines are also learning. When they say “machine learning” in the AI field, they literally mean that, like us humans, the AI is getting smarter from experience. So eventually these driving AI’s are going to be the best / safest drivers under any and all conditions. Carrier companies will then simply not be able to justify paying a human driver $60k-$80k per year when they can pay an AI driver nothing and don’t have to worry about its drive hours either.

An AI driver never has to sleep, drink, eat, go to the bathroom and it also never gets distracted, takes its eyes off the road, or speeds. It can drive non-stop 24/7, doesn’t make human errors, and is much much safer than any human driver.

Not only are the human drivers not going to be needed, in 20 years it will likely be illegal for a human to drive an 80k pound vehicle simply because it will be too unsafe and dangerous relative to the AI drivers.

I’m not trying to pick on truck drivers either, every job is at risk. I don’t care what you do for a living, every job that can be automated will be. Doctor, lawyer, accountant, doesn’t matter.

Google’s Revenue

Google’s Revenue

Quarter Revenue Growth YOY
03/2018 $31,146.00 25.8%
12/2017 $32,323.00 24.0%
09/2017 $27,772.00 23.7%
06/2017 $26,010.00 21.0%
03/2017 $24,750.00 22.2%
12/2016 $26,064.00 22.2%
09/2016 $22,451.00 20.2%
06/2016 $21,500.00
03/2016 $20,257.00
12/2015 $21,329.00
09/2015 $18,675.00


Google’s Revenue for the past 11 quarters.


The growth rate per quarter YOY of Google’s last 7 quarters.

Investment Themes

Now that I have over $25k to invest into the stock market, actually closer to $30k, an amount of money I’ve never had before to risk losing in the market, it’s time for me to take my 10 years of trading and investment experience and make some Mad Fucking Money! Booyaa Jim Cramer!!!

Over the last 2 years I have killed my self working massive amounts of overtime to pay off nearly all of my debt and save up $30k in cold hard cash. I have worked so hard for this money and given up so much of my precious time to earn it that I will not let even a single penny of my money be invested in a company that I wouldn’t want to own or waste it on commissions that I don’t need to pay.

As a result, I’ve come to the conclusion that I can’t buy into any broad market or even industry specific ETF, why? Because even within an industry ETF like the Technology sector of the Consumer Discretionary ETF’s there are still plenty of companies held by the ETF that I would never buy into if I was picking individual names. I was trying to avoid having to spend huge amounts of money on GOOGL and AMZN stock by buying the XLK and the XLY but these vehicles only invested 10% of their assets into GOOGL and 20% in to AMZN. And while there are many other stocks within those ETF’s which I love, like NVDA, NFLX, MSFT, MU, and INTC there are also plenty of stocks that are absolute garbage and I would never want to invest into. So I can’t buy into any of the major ETF’s like the SPY or the QQQ’s because I have certain investment themes that I am very bullish on and I really don’t want my money going into anything other than what I truly believe are going to be the biggest growth industries in the coming years. I will reveal my investment themes here shortly.

Additionally, I have recently discovered this incredible brokerage company that charges $0 to trade stocks. That’s right absolutely free, no charge whatsoever to buy and sell stocks. I’ve already saved $20 in the last week with them and it’s incredible liberating being able to buy a single share of a stock and not paying any of the outrageous brokerage fees charged by the likes of Etrade of TDAmeritrade, in fact this company is so disruptive that I’m even thinking about shorting the fuck out of Etrade and TDAmeritrade because it is going to eat their lunch. I can’t disclose who this company is yet because I want to get an affiliate link before I can recommend it here. But the bottom line is that this free trading brokerage which is also going to be rolling out free crypto and options trading is one of the fastest growing most disruptive new entrants into the online brokerage space that we’ve ever seen and they are going to crush the old school brokerage firms.

Anyways, without further ado here are the themes that I am going to be massively long for the next 5 to 10 years:

  • Quantum Computers.
  • CRISPR / Cas9 and other gene editing technologies like Zinc Fingers. — We are finally in a position to take full control of our evolution.
  • Biotech in general — any company that is working on Stem Cells, immunotherapies, or any novel first-in-class proteins or biologics are going to be red-hot specially when you put Quantum computers and AI to work on the genome, epigenome, and proteins you’re going to have a golden era of explosive growth as we rapidly discover novel cures and solutions to the “bugs” in our own DNA.
  • Artificial Intelligence including the GPU and Memory needed for massive neural networks and machine learning that will power things like self driving vehicles.
  • Weed — marijuana is going to become recreationally legal in Canada this summer and will likely become legal in the US within the next 5 to 10 years.
  • Neuromorphic computers — basically “wet-ware” chips that are modeled after  neurons in the human brain. They are totally distinct from silicone transistor chips or quantum chips, they are more like brain cells which can process multiple threads simultaneously.
  • Self-Driving Trucks — there are somewhere between 3 to 5 million truck drivers in the US today and every single one of them will be unemployed when they get replaced by a self-driving Tesla truck. The “domino effects” and ramifications of this event will be far and wide and we are likely to see this happen within the next 10 years.
  • Online video education — there will always be a place for physical education Universities like Harvard, Stanford, Berkley, MIT, etc. but there rise of online video education companies like Udemy, TeamTreeHouse, Udacity, Coursera, Lynda are only going to increase as more and more people get put out of work by AI. Anything which can be learned through an online video can now be learned by anyone anywhere. The 4 million truck drivers who will soon be unemployed are going to to these online learning tools first and even during their re-education process.
  • Brain Computer Interface (BCI) – Basically plugging into the Matrix but more practically, implanting chips into the human brain to allow us to control things with of minds.

These are my core investment themes. The stocks that I buy in this space are stocks that I will never sell until the promise, the dream of these themes becomes reality. Meaning that every and any pull-back, sell-off, or correction in these stocks for the next 10 to 20 years is a buying opportunity.

I will be discussion and revealing my holdings here shortly but for now I just wanted to get these ideas out there as a frame work and reminder to myself of what it is that I am looking for when evaluating companies.

One thing I learned today in Python 02

With the .split() function you can split a list of values separated by a separating character into its individual constituent parts. For example, if you have a list of: ‘bks,swhc,rmbs’ you can add the spit function to it ‘bks,swhc,rmbs’.split() and it will separate the list into ‘bks’,’swhc’,’rmbs’. You can also tell the split function to separate the items by any character like a :, *, -, and not just commas.

If you have a string, you can create a place holder in it that you can change with the .format(). For example, the string “Giant glutes {} like a pair of {}”.format(‘smell’,’balls’) will print out Giant glutes smell like a pair of balls. And “Giant glutes {} like a pair of {}”.format(‘massive’,’sluts’) print ‘Giant glutes massive like a pair of sluts’.

One thing I learned today in Python 01

In Python is you add .1+.1+.1-.3 the result is not zero but instead 5.551115123125783e-17 which is a number that has 16 zeros after the decimal. In other words, an infinitesimally small number equal to zero.

Also, when doing arithmetic on a variable to save time you can simply use the “operation = sign” convention to avoid having to write the variable twice. For example, if I create the variable: week and set it equal to 7, if I want to multiply week times 2 and assign that new value to the week variable I can simply write: week *= 2 and that is the same as writing: week = week * 2. Which is a great time saver.

Automatic Negative Thoughts

On several occasions now I’ve caught myself thinking some really disempowering, destructive, negative thoughts and ideas. For example, “I’m such a lazy bastard”, “I fucking hate all people”, “Why do I have to work to make money?”. These are only a small sample of the automatic, repetitive, unconscious negative thoughts that are going through my head recently. Where these thoughts came from, how did I pick them up? I don’t know. They are like weeds in a garden. They spring up and grow out of control. In order to “maintain your garden” you have to actively and consciously remind yourself to think positive, empowering ideas and questions over and over again on a daily basis until those good thoughts become and automatic unconscious habit.

A couple of years ago I was able to lift myself out of a depression and stagnation in my life partly because I simply forced myself to read empowering ideas every single day, multiple times a day. I was heavily involved in the “Success with women” / Pickup Artist community. I still am but I was new back then. What I did was that I would print out a list of good quotes on my printer and then hang that paper directly in front of my bed room wall or near the shower. That way every single day when I woke up and went to bed I would force myself to read and reread sentences such as “Women love having sex just as much as you do”, “Hot girls want you to approach them”, “I have nothing to be sorry for. I have the right to be unapologetic”, “There is no reason why I am not enough”, “Girls want to have sex with me”, etc, et cetera.

Gradually over time after weeks of reading and rereading these ideas, I eventually was successful, if you will, at brainwashing myself into believing with conviction that these statements were true. They were like any thing else in life, the more often I thought them, the more they would become automatic repetitive ideas that would course through my head everyday. Most importantly though these ideas were there when I needed them the most, like when I first met 21 year old banker co-worker whom I ended up sleeping with within 1 week of meeting her. Knowing the impact that these daily reminders or mental exercises can have on my life, it is time again for me to collect a bunch of quotes and ingrain them into the operating system of my brain. I’m going to print out another sheet and read these powerful ideas at least twice per day.

New Era of Ass, Huge Glutes (Before and After pics)

The pics are at the bottom of the text.

There has been a phenomenon going on recently that is taking female youth culture and therefore Instagram by storm and one that I am very pleased to see happening. We are living in a new Era of Ass now in which big, huge, massive, round Glutes are the most desirable characteristics that both men and women desire on women. Girls want to have huge glutes and guys want to grab, squeeze, and spank luscious thick meaty ass. No longer is there any talk of doing this or that exercise to “make your butt smaller, tone, tighten, or lift it”. What women want and men desire is the sheer physical size increases that can be achieved through heavy lifting and caloric surpluses.

The ideal ass is one in which the glutes have increased dramatically in size but there is still enough body fat covering the muscles that it still looks and feels jiggly, plump, and squeezable. The key is to maintain a rich thick layer of body fat on top of the enlarged glute muscles. This maintains femininity and adds to the roundness and rotundness of the ass. Without this body fat you would end up with a shredded, chiseled look that would have sharp angular lines instead of wickedly succulent curves.

In this new era men will place a premium on those girls who workout religiously at the gym, whom focus on growing the size of the glute muscles, and eat the requisite amount of food to fuel those gains. If you’re a girl in this Instagram “Belfie” era and you don’t workout your glutes, there’s no reason for us guys to date you. We’ll still fuck you, obviously, but there’s no reason to keep your flat ass around. I personally have already “let go” (dumped) two otherwise beautiful girls because they would not get their asses into the gym. Obviously that is not the only criteria by which to judge girls on but all else being equal I want to bury my face in between a massive pair of cheeks like the ones pictured below.

As a guy, I also pride myself in developing and maintaining a huge ass. My ass is so big and round that gay guys want to fuck me, straight guys might confuse me for a girl, and girls also like my giant booty.  Enjoy the pics!