Andrew Yang & Universal Income.

The case for Universal Basic Income.

$1,000 dollars per month to every adult as a right of citizenship, unconditional, no strings attached. Even without a tax on automation, meaning that we were just printing the money Helicopter Ben style there are many reasons why we in the United States should implement a UBI.


First of all you must understand that our government, The Federal Reserve and The Treasury, are already printing trillions of dollars per year. This new money primarily goes to banks. Whenever a banks lends money whether it’s a home loan, car loan, credit card, student loan, whatever, that creates new money in the system. Whoever got the money from the loan, for example, the dealership who sold you a car now has a credit in their bank account and if they decide (for whatever reason) to take out $10k worth of cash from the bank, the bank has to provide that money in cash. So on a daily basis, banks receive new money every single day and they essentially have the power to create new money. However, the system is rigid to turn those people who need money into debt slaves. Why for example can banks create new money but the common man has to borrow it and pay interest on it?

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